Google Adwords 101: “Advertise at locations you serve”. Each and every day, we come across (sometimes compete) with companies advertising far away from their locations. Here is one example: is advertising for the term “painting contractors” in Dover, DE. We checked the locations from their website:
The closest location is King of Prussia, PA. According to Google Maps, Dover is 85.4 miles (1.5 hours driving distance) away from King of Prussia.
The very same search provides painting contractors on Google map. Even within 5 miles of Dover, there are more than 10 painting companies. Why would somebody hire a painting contractor 85 miles away?
As we said in the title: Location, location, location. If you don’t want to fall into the same, if you are not happy with your advertising agency or managing your own campaign give us a call. Let us optimize your campaign and help you get most out your hard earned marketing dollars.